Wear Multiple Rings Skyrim
The results in 10 fingers total that COULD wear a ring of some kind. Download this war of mine. Now, I realize that the thumb may be stretching it a little bit as I certainly im not aware of thumb rings in real life, so lets for the sake of argument just go with the fact that normal humans could wear a total of 8 RINGs, 4 on each hand. Rings are a type of apparel found in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. They are pieces of jewelry that can only be worn on the right index finger. They do not provide any boost to Armor rating, but are very light, valuable, and can be enchanted with a variety of beneficial enchantments.

Contents Making Main article:Some rings, charms and amulets can end up being developed at making use of the.Circlets, and special jewellery cannot end up being crafted and can only be attained either as or purchased from a.